Mukuvisi Woodlands Eco Schools Programme commemorated World Environment Day which falls on 5 June annually, on Friday 10 June. The Eco Schools Programme holds such events on Fridays, by mutual consensus amongst member school and colleges. This is the most practical day on which to bring several hundred children, teenagers and young adult students to spend the morning at the Mukuvisi Woodlands (or sometimes other venue) to celebrate the several special globally marked commemorative days which highlight issues of importance and concern in the areas of wildlife, conservation and environment generally. Friday’s event was superb in every way.
Attendance was huge, with 800 children and 200 adults turning out! The theme was ‘Join the Race to Make the Future World we Want’ and the event was generously supported by UNICEP and the UNDP, with additional assistance from the EU, Econet, Bird Life Zimbabwe, the Nyarado Group, World Vision and Total Zimbabwe, and was organised in collaboration with Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate. There were lots of really interesting stands to visit, and many children recited poems and essays, performed plays and sang songs, around the environmental theme, to entertain and educate the crowd.

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And Click HERE for many more additional photos and videos of this event